Hanukkah* this year--which in the Jewish calendar is not 2021-22 but 5782--began at sundown on Sunday, November 28th and ends at sundown on Monday, December 6th. It celebrates the victory of the rebellious Maccabees over the larger Syrian army in the 2nd century Before what we now call the Christian Era (thus B.C.E. or B.C.). It also commemorates a miracle that occurred during this time, in which just a single day's supply of lamp oil allowed the menorah (Hanukkiah or Hanukkah Menorah) in the rededicated Temple in Jerusalem to remain lit for eight whole days. Thus the holiday, often called "Festival of Lights," lasts for nine days and eight nights, on each of which a new menorah candle is lit in addition to the constant one in the center. Eating oil-based foods, such as latkes, is a popular way to celebrate Hanukkah.*
* also spelled Chanukah

photos by Timi Sgouros (upper) and Kahlia Shmerer (lower)