The following is from Town Councilor Larry Mandel. As always, these are Mandel's opinions of the highlights – others may see things differently.
Council made a large number of appointments to committees and boards, including the Arts
Council, Assessment Board of Review, Conservation Commission, Harbor Management
Commission and Personnel Board. Volunteers play a huge role in making this a vibrant and
healthy community – many thanks to all who serve. There are still opportunities on several of
these boards and committees, as well as the Economic Development Advisory Board, the
Zoning Board of Review and the Compensation Commission. Service on a board or commission
need not be onerous -- if you are interested in learning more please reach out to me or another
member of the Council, or the Town Clerk for further information.
We received recommendations from the Asset Management Commission, which annually ranks
the highest needs of our community for public buildings and maintenance. Their top
recommendation (again) was for a new public safety complex, and they noted the need for
addressing the town’s middle school problem though they did not have a specific
recommendation at this time. They outlined the highest priorities for the Enterprise Funds
(specified programs that are financially self-sustaining like the golf course and Water
Department), general funds (roads, facilities, etc.) and the School Department. Lots to think
about, as we balance our needs against the resources available, mindful always of the tax
burden on our citizens.
We were briefed on progress of an art installation near the boat launching area of Wilson Park
by a group of volunteers. An unveiling is tentatively scheduled for April 28; watch for further
The Town Manager briefed on several items including upcoming RIPTA public hearings on
proposed service reductions on bus routes 14, 64 and QX, construction projects that require
closure of basketball, tennis, pickleball and skateboard facilities at Wilson and McGinn Parks
(target re-opening June 1), and an “e-waste” collection event scheduled for March 9. He also
spoke to the economic impact of last year’s cyber attack, which does not appear to have
resulted in any leaked information, but cost the town and our insurer over $1 million. The
video of the meeting is, as always, available on the town’s website.
Larry Mandel, Town Councilor