The January 8, 2024 Town Council meeting had a comparatively light agenda. The summary
below reflects my views of the highlights; others of course may see things differently. As
always, the meeting is available to watch on the Town’s website.
We voted to adopt an amendment to our Ordinances making the Conservation Commission
responsible for ground water as part of their charge, in the process adopting several language
changes suggested by Commission and Groundwater Committee members to clarify roles and
We accepted the resignation of Tom Briody from the School Committee. The work of the
School Committee is critical to our town and the future of our children, and we encourage
anyone interested in filling this position until November’s election to please contact the Town
Clerk. Deadline for applications is January 19.
Council received the RI Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion finding no conflict of interest for
the Council President to participate in activities related to a school or municipal bond or
construction project. President Mancini made a plea for citizens to act respectfully towards
each other and particularly toward elected officials, noting that social media is often a platform
for anonymous (and sometimes venomous) accusations. He noted that three School
Committee members have resigned in the past 17 months, and another has received death
threats. President Mancini urged that we are better than this as a community, and asked that
we all take it upon ourselves to upgrade the quality of our discourse, professionally and
And while we were overall very pleased with the results of the 350th Kickoff Ceremony at the
Town Hall, a TANK representative noted accurately that there were no Native American or
women speakers, and that absence reflected poorly upon the town.
And finally, I will be hosting Office Hours next Wednesday, January 17 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
at the Town Hall on Boston Neck Rd. All are welcome to come share their thoughts and views;
no appointment is necessary.