Students4Change is a group of North Kingstown high school students who organized a political action committee last year, to have an impact our our town's government. They worked on a few different local campaigns, canvassing, calling, messaging, and emailing. It's fair to say they played an important part in electing the current Town Council majority.
They pass along this invitation:
Join us at our Community Event at Allen Harbor Marina on June 4th (4pm). Come see students who promote the values of our political action committee: ensuring a sustainable future, building community, supporting a strong school system, and most importantly, emphasizing student voice. There will be live music, food, and more!
They promise student speakers on sustainability, anti-racism and inclusion, social and economic inequality and a strong student voice. They also promise raffles, food, and live music. Sounds like a fun event? A nice way to celebrate warm weather and seeing people again? We think so, too.
Find more about them on FB, or email nkstudents4councilors@gmail.com.