The Town Council met on 10/4/21 to discuss a variety of municipal concerns. For a full agenda, click here. Read on for a recap of key meeting highlights.
Recreation Director Chelsey Dumas-Gibbs shared information and ideas regarding a possible recreation center. The committee has spoken to other cities and towns to garner best practices, has reviewed possible town-owned sites suitable for use, and is eager to move forward for a feasibility study. No formal vote was necessary: this presentation was for information purposes only. North Kingstown is a wonderful place for families to live and grow. A recreation center will only add to its unique and enriching offerings by including more space for sports leagues, meetings and events, and youth, teen, and senior programming. You can view Ms. Dumas-Gibbs’ presentation here.
Town Manager Ralph Mollis gave the following updates:
Wilson Park Playground is undergoing routine maintenance and repairs and will reopen Friday 10/8/21
Work continues on Town Hall restoration
Conversations continue with Quonset Development Corporation (QDC) regarding the dredging of Allen Harbor. QDC currently projects a 2023 completion date due to several complicating factors, including cost, requirements for off-shore sand disposal, and the need to further coordinate with the Army Corps of Engineers and Coast Guard. Meetings will continue as we work toward timely, safe, and effective solutions.
Work continues on the town website
For the second year in a row, the North Kingstown Free Library will participate in the “Spook Out NK” contest sponsored by the North Kingstown Educational Foundation. Thank you to the Friends of the Library for purchasing decorations. Be sure to stop by the library during “spooky season” to check out the finished results!
The town will meet with the RI Airport Corporation the week of 10/20/21 to discuss proposed easements at Quonset State Airport
On 11/15/21, EDAB will host “[A] Forum on the Balance of Growth and Quality of Life,” a public event featuring Scott Wolf from GrowSmart RI
Work continues on the Wickford Elementary School Project: the town has received master plan applications, and the planning commission has on-site meetings next week. The project remains on-schedule for late fall Planning Commission and Zoning Board meetings.
Some may recall the challenges we faced this summer with the restroom renovation project. Public works is putting together a plan for the two remaining restroom renovations at the beach campus and Wickford. Unfortunately, Wickford public restrooms have seen an increase in vandalism lately. Please reach out to the North Kingstown Police Department if you see any suspicious activity.
Water Department head Tim Cranston spoke regarding the water main extension on Ten Rod Road. You can view Mr. Cranston’s memo here. In short, Mr. Cranston shared that the extension will not adversely affect the town’s water quality or availability.
The following individuals were appointed to various boards and committees:
Maria Carroccia (Arts council)
Willard Brownell, Janice McAleer, and Amy Sonder (Conservation Commission)
David Kaloupek (Historic District Commission, Wickford Village Design Guidelines Committee)
Owen Buckley (Information Technology Advisory Committee – Expert Member)
Elizabeth Suvari, Lori Vernon, Dianne Izzo (Library Board of Trustees)
Edwin Andrews (Zoning Board)
Thank you and congratulations to the above-mentioned residents for getting involved in our municipality!
We hope you will join us for our next meeting on 10/25/21. As always, we welcome and celebrate public comment and participation.
