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Planning commission update 8/20/24

Meg Kerr

The NK Planning Commission met on August 20, 2024.

The Commission approved the zoning variance and special use permit applications for Joule Vineyards & Winery LLC, allowing them to move ahead with building structures for a tasting room and equipment storage. The Vineyard is located at 2845 Tower Hill Road, just north of the South Kingstown line.

The Commission approved surety reductions and cost estimate reductions for phases of the Reynolds Farm development.

The Commission considered and approved Volta Charging LLC’s preliminary and final development plan review that included a request for dimensional variances and special use permits for two projects: 2 EV charging stations at the Stop and Shop on Frenchtown Rd. and 2 EV charging stations at the Stop and Shop on Ten Rod Road. The staff report for the Ten Rod Rd project and the Frenchtown Rd project (at the links) provide detail on the application. Briefly,

the charging stations will provide free charges for shoppers. The charging unit has a video advertising screen and income from the advertisements will pay for the electricity and company profits. The Commission was concerned about approving the project without assurance that the charge would remain free. The applicant offered that assurance, agreeing to come before the town in the future if the charging stations were to change. The Commission also found that the video screens were distant from the roads and would not cause any distractions.

Staff will write up the decision for final approval at the Commission’s next meeting on September 17.

The agenda with links to all relevant documents as well as a recording of the meeting can be found here.

-Meg Kerr


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